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Councilwoman Kat Kerwin Community Event in Father Lennon Park

Father Lenon Park, Providence, RI 60 Camden Avenue, Providence, RI, United States

Join Councilwoman Kat Kerwin for another Smith Hill community meeting and celebration! We will have family friendly entertainment including music, games, and face painting. Circus Dynamics will be doing ballon animals and more! Additionally, representatives from various City departments including PPD, DPW, and Recreation Department will be on hand to answer neighborhood questions and concerns. […]

PVDFest in the Park: Satta & Beau Dizzle

Burnside Park 40 Kennedy Plaza, Providence, RI, United States

There are two performances happening at this PVDFest in the Park event! You are cordially invited to experience songs and poetry from Satta's new EP "Broken Dialect." Experience the dynamic sounds of this remarkable Liberian Reggae artist, as she delivers cutting edge lyrics performed in her Liberian English dialect, Koloqua. Her music is a unique […]


MoralDocs VR Film: Public Launch

Providence Public Library Empire Street/Washington Street, Providence, RI, United States

The Moral Documents or MoralDocs is a virtual reality film that reenvisions public safety as an issue of public health. Residents of the city have brought their lived experience into this collaborative Afrofuturist story that envisions an abolitionist future for Providence. We travel to the Temple of Music in 2040 via a space/time chariot to […]


Councilman Goncalves Ward 1 Movie Night

India Point Park 201 India Street, Providence, RI, United States

Join Councilman John Goncalves for a Ward 1 Movie Night featuring the movie, The Secret Life of Pets 2 (rated PG)! The story of Max and his pet friends continues, as we follow the animals after their owners leave for work and school each day. Be sure to bring a chair or picnic blanket! For […]


Aqui Me Quedo en La Broa’

Roger Williams Park (East Entrance) 1234 Broad St., Providence, RI, United States

Enjoy a Barrio Tour and conversation between Marta V. Martínez and Doña Fefa Rosario, who together will talk about the transformation of La Broa' since the 1960s. Doña Fefa and her husband Tony, opened the first Dominican-owned bodega on Broad Street in Providence in the early-1960s. The Rosarios helped the growing number of families from the Dominican […]

PVDFest in the Park: Opera in the Park

Downtown Providence, Providence, RI, United States

“We Love Puccini” and we bet you do too! "Come here" Puccini's "Love Duet", from Madama Butterfly and “Un bel di vedremo” sung by soprano Yuriko Nonaka Tauro. Other Puccini favorites include selections from Tosca & La Bohême. Operetta and Broadway favorites from The Student Prince, Showboat, West Side Story and more. Featuring soprano Christina Nero, […]


FirstWorks Live—Music at Roger Williams Park: VOCES DE LOS ANDES

Roger Williams Park Dalrymple Boathouse Lawn Maple Ave, Providence, RI, United States

As Rhode Island’s defacto ambassadors of Andean music, this multi-generational family band can be found performing at cultural festivals throughout New England. Let your spirit fly high with the evocative sounds of pan flute, charango, Spanish guitar, and los bombos —the backbone of Voces’ signature, contemporary-tinged instrumental and folk music.

PVDFest in the Park: Afrika Nyaga

Burnside Park 40 Kennedy Plaza, Providence, RI, United States

This festival, in its 9th year, showcases the incredible music and dance of Africa and the diaspora. This is a FREE, family-friendly event. There will also be refreshing drinks served at the Trinity Beer Garden all day! Sidy Maiga is an award-winning Malian musician, performer, teacher and recipient of the MacColl Johnson Fellowship in Music […]

2021 Summer Pops in the Park Concert: A Tribute to the Human Spirit

Roger Williams Park Temple of Music F C Greene Memorial Blvd, Providence, RI, United States

***POSTPONED to August 5 due to expected rain*** Rhode Island Philharmonic will perform their annual concert again this year! This concert is free and open to the public. The Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra & Music School is committed to engaging people of Southern New England as lifelong music listeners, teachers, learners, creators and performers. They […]


Emergence: An Open Air Showcase

"Adventure Time" Mural 94 Washington Street, Providence, RI, United States

As local arts organizations and business reopen, celebrate a cultural moment of transition at “Emergence,” an open-air showcase. Local writers will read stories, essays and poetry on the theme of "emergence" against the backdrop of the iconic Adventure Time mural at 94 Washington Street in Downtown Providence. Commissioned by The Avenue Concept, the mural’s image […]


Meet me Downtown at PVDFest

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